Unpacking Truth Mini: Did They Forget…
I started my presentation with asking a simple question…have you heard of the Hippocratic Oath?
You can find a very limited directory of our providers here. Most of the providers in our network must remain confidential due to employer restrictions.
I started my presentation with asking a simple question…have you heard of the Hippocratic Oath?
When one’s subjective opinion can impose on the patient’s choice of
medical freedom, we are living in a world of tyranny.
I have cared for a woman in her mid 20s who had COVID, received vaccination due to employer mandate and has had ongoing, limiting, chest pressure and dyspnea beginning 2 hours after receiving her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Her employer, a healthcare organization, is still insisting she receive her second dose.
I posed the question that when in the history of scientific discovery did we ever benefit our patients by censoring discussion of emerging data. I had formal attacks on the forum by other dentists calling me tinfoil hat wearing and some suggested that I should have my credentials stripped.
When I called to ask about scheduling the surgery, they indicated for the first time, that the covid shot would be required before they could move me forward in the process. I’ve sent two legal letters through my attorney and have not gotten a response yet from the local hospital.
I see patients on a weekly basis who have been injured by the Covid vaccine and they have to live with the guilt of their decision to vaccinate. The physical impact of the vaccine injuries are too numerous to count, but the emotional injuries are a much heavier burden.
I treated over 100 patients with the FLCCC early treatment protocols, some of which were very high-risk for COVID-19 complications. Only one person needed hospital care for supplemental oxygen (now back at work). I hear similar findings from other colleagues that are treating patients with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
I chose initially to follow CDC guidelines and I received my first vaccine in Feb 2021. I did not tolerate it well. I had horrible headaches, felt awful fatigue and body aches for 2 weeks. A few months later, I tested positive for antibodies, both natural and vaccine induced. I was immune!
IF I WAS NOT VACCINATED IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS I WAS GOING TO LOSE MY JOB. I’m forever scarred. Now vaccinated I feel violated and weak. I feel like a lab rat waiting on certain outcomes. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I’m a realist.