COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

I have cared for a woman in her mid 20s who had COVID, received vaccination due to employer mandate and has had ongoing, limiting, chest pressure and dyspnea beginning 2 hours after receiving her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Her employer, a healthcare organization, is still insisting she receive her second dose.

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Another story, this one regarding vaccine injuries.

As physicians it has been distressing to see vaccines which are in many cases, while potentially effective in preventing severe COVID cases but also may cause severe adverse outcomes, being mandated. It has been particularly distressing seeing those vaccines mandated on people who have no likely benefit from vaccination, such as people who have recovered from COVID. There is ample data to support that those with natural immunity from COVID do not benefit from vaccination. I have taken care of several people who took vaccination by employer mandate, after having recovered from COVID naturally, who have suffered injury from the vaccine. This includes one woman who had pulmonary emboli to the lungs the same day as she received vaccination. I have also cared for a woman in her mid 20s, who had COVID in April, received vaccination due to employer mandate in September, and who has had ongoing, limiting, chest pressure and dyspnea starting 2 hours after receiving her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Her employer, a healthcare organization, is still insisting she receive her second dose. We should, as healthcare providers and organizations, recognize that vaccines, like any other medical intervention, have both potential benefit and potential risk, and the decision to receive any medical treatment needs to be made with understanding of the potential benefits and risks to the person in front of us.


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“It used to be that medicine was guided by a simple principle: do no harm. Now, as philosophical agendas are determining more within the practice of medicine, some in the medical community have started allowing harmful procedures, such as gender transitions, on children. In response, other medical professionals across the country are rising up to protect children and the integrity of the medical profession.

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