Fighting for My Patients’ Rights

I see patients on a weekly basis who have been injured by the Covid vaccine and they have to live with the guilt of their decision to vaccinate. The physical impact of the vaccine injuries are too numerous to count, but the emotional injuries are a much heavier burden.

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I have worked in healthcare for over 15 years and in Family Practice for the past 8 years.  I have felt the weight of advocating for my patients when it comes to obtaining insurance approval for medically necessary diagnostic studies, procedures, and medications- but I never would have imagined fighting for my patients’ rights against the will of their employer and the government. Patients have always had the right to decline recommendations of care, future appointments, and medications.  This patient right has quickly changed.

Since the onset of the vaccine mandates, I am asked- on a routine basis to fill out Medical Exemptions for the Covid vaccine, only to have the exemptions denied by “counsel members”. There are no contraindications of the experimental Covid vaccines, so the medical exemptions are swiftly declined.  My patients are forced to choose their health, bodily autonomy, and peace of mind over their livelihood. 

I see patients on a weekly basis who have been injured by the Covid vaccine and they have to live with the guilt of their decision to vaccinate. The physical impact of the vaccine injuries are too numerous to count, but the emotional injuries are a much heavier burden. I have seen referrals be denied due to refusing to see “vaccine injuries” and patients further losing their faith in the medical community.

We are failing our patients and we must do better.


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NC Physicians Take Stand to Protect Children (with Dianna Lightfoot & Emily Saunders)

“It used to be that medicine was guided by a simple principle: do no harm. Now, as philosophical agendas are determining more within the practice of medicine, some in the medical community have started allowing harmful procedures, such as gender transitions, on children. In response, other medical professionals across the country are rising up to protect children and the integrity of the medical profession.

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