I chose initially to follow CDC guidelines and I received my first vaccine in Feb 2021. I did not tolerate it well. I had horrible headaches, felt awful fatigue and body aches for 2 weeks. A few months later, I tested positive for antibodies, both natural and vaccine induced. I was immune!

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I have been taking care of patients for 10 years now and I am currently a medical provider at a hospital. I was diagnosed with COVID in November 2020, had to take 2 weeks of my own PTO for an illness I likely acquired from work. Thankfully, I recovered from it.

I chose initially to follow CDC guidelines and I received my first vaccine in Feb 2021. I did not tolerate it well. I had horrible headaches, felt awful fatigue and body aches for 2 weeks. A few months later I tested positive for antibodies, both natural and vaccine induced. I was immune! I submitted for a medical exemption because I WAS IMMUNE and it was denied! I cannot medically think of a reason why this would be denied. It was extremely frustrating!!!

A few weeks ago, so that I would not lose my job and risk not being able to provide for my family, I went against my desire and got the COVID vaccine #2. 24 hours later I developed extreme hip pain and for several days I could barely walk. From my research this was probably reactive arthritis from the vaccine, based on case reports I have reviewed. I also had to postpone my mammogram because guidelines now recommend not having a mammogram within 4 weeks of the vaccine, because it looks like inflammatory breast cancer. Isn’t this concerning to anyone?

Yes, we know the research shows that vaccines are effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths. I see patients in the COVID unit. It’s very sad. However, getting the vaccine is also a risk and I should be able to CHOOSE which risk I want to take. No one should ever have to fear providing food for their families, losing their job, and being manipulated into doing something they do not feel comfortable doing. 

Why are we withholding preventative measures from patients that truly need it? What about using food as medicine? Vitamins? Early treatment options? I am extremely disappointed in our society and the way that we have handled this COVID pandemic. I am on a mission to make a change, to give others a choice of which risk they want to take for the sake of our patients, our families, and my children. 


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