Spotlight on Strategic Messaging: Tim Daughtry’s Powerful Series

The foundational issue facing America and the West is whether they have the will to survive. The Left has conducted a gradual but highly effective “long march through the cultural institutions” of education, news, entertainment, and other cultural institutions in order to wear away public confidence in the Judeo-Christian understanding of the values underlying our constitutional government in favor of a worldview that is more hospitable to their statist agenda.

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We are excited to highlight an exceptional four-part series written by Tim Daughtry, titled “Winning the Moral High Ground: Worldviews, Values, and Will to Survive.” In this series, Daughtry delves into the critical importance of messaging and how it shapes the cultural and political landscape. We are incredibly grateful for his insights and contributions to this ongoing conversation.

The foundational issue facing America and the West is whether they have the will to survive. The Left has conducted a gradual but highly effective “long march through the cultural institutions” of education, news, entertainment, and other cultural institutions in order to wear away public confidence in the Judeo-Christian understanding of the values underlying our constitutional government in favor of a worldview that is more hospitable to their statist agenda. The Left has become so emboldened and so extreme in their rhetoric and tactics that the authoritarian reality behind their compassionate rhetoric is now becoming exposed. It is up to conservatives to make a more consistent and morally compelling case for conservative ideas and expose the moral vulnerabilities in the Left’s messaging and the destruction caused by applying the Left’s ideas.

This series is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the deeper moral and cultural battles shaping today’s political landscape.

For the full series, you can start with Part 1 HERE.

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